TED Talk Link: What makes a good life 1. hindsight : the ability to understand a situation only after it has happened ➤ It is easy to criticize others when you have the benefit of hindsight . 2. opposite : as different as possible from something ➤ I watched them leave and then drove off in the opposite direction. 3. dedicate : to give all your attention and effort to one particular thing ➤ He dedicated his life to helping the poor. 4. decline : to gradually become less, worse, or lower ➤ The economy has declined sharply in recent years. 5. divorce : the legal ending of a marriage ➤ The last I heard they were getting a divorce . 6. magnify : to make something look bigger than it really is, example by using a lens or microscope ➤ The results of economic mismanagement were magnified by a series of natural disasters. 7. well-being : the state of feeling healthy and happy ➤ Physical and emotional well-being are closely linked. 8. grudge : a feeling of dislike for som...